Infectious Disease Screening
HIV Rapid Test
Anti-HIV 1/2 Rapid Test
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system.HIV continues to be a major global public health issue, having claimed more than 39 million lives so far. In 2013, 1.5 million people died from HIV-related causes globally.
Racoo Screening HIV Tests:
- Immuno-chromatographic (Ag-Ab-Ag) sandwich assay
- CE Certified
- Qualitative detection of antibodies generated against IgG, IgA and IgM of HIV virus.
- Detects antibodies generated against all HIV subtypes (HIV Type 1, Type 2, Type O)
- Detects antibodies generated against p24 Antigen
- High stability, specificity and sensitivity
Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity: 100%, (+) Predictive V: 100%, (-) Predictive 100%
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
anti-HIV ½ TEST | CE 1434 | Cassette | S/P | 25 / 50 | dropper |
anti-HIV ½ TEST | CE 1434 | Cassette | WB/S/P | 25 / 50 | dropper, diluent (for WB) |
anti-HIV ½ TEST | N/A | Midstream | Saliva / WB | 1 / 10 / 25 | dropper, diluent |
Specimen type: Serum / Plasma or WholeBlood / Serum / Plasma and Oral fluid (saliva)
Hepatitis Rapid Tests
Anti-HCV Test
Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus: the virus can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis infection, ranging in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious, lifelong illness. Hepatitis C is found worldwide. The most affected regions are Central and East Asia and North Africa.
Racoo Screening Anti-HCV Tests:
- Detects antibodies generated against the proteins, encoded by all HCV genotypes’ most conserved parts of Core, NS3, NS4, NS5 region in HCV genome
- Qualitative results are to be read visually within 5-15 minutes.
Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity: 100%, (+) Predictive V: 100%, (-) Predictive 100%
Specimen type: Serum / Plasma or WholeBlood / Serum / Plasma
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
anti-HCV TEST | CE 1434 | Cassette | S/P | 25 / 50 | dropper, diluent |
anti-HCV TEST | CE 1434 | Cassette | WB/S/P | 25 / 50 | dropper,diluent |
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease. The virus is transmitted through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person. More than 780 000 people die every year due to the consequences of hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is an important occupational hazard for health workers. Hepatitis B is preventable with the currently available safe and effective vaccine.
Racoo Screening HBsAg Tests:
- The presence of HBsAg indicates that the person is infectious
- CE Certified
- Direct detection of virus antigens and all subtypes of HBsAg so accuracy is high.
- Qualitative results are to be read visually within 5-15 minutes.
- Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity: 100%, (+) Predictive V: 100%, (-) Predictive 100%
- Cut-off: 0,26 IU/mL (0,5 French ng)
Specimen type: Serum / Plasma or WholeBlood / Serum / Plasma
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
HBsAg TEST | CE 1434 | Cassette | S/P | 25 / 50 | dropper |
HBsAg TEST | CE 1434 | Cassette | WB/S/P | 25 / 50 | dropper |
The presence of anti-HBs is generally considered of recovery and immunity from HBV infection. Anti-HBs also may mean that the patient is vaccinated.
Racoo Screening HBsAb Tests:
- CE Certified
- Qualitative results are to be read visually within 5-15 minutes.
Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity: 100%, (+) Predictive V: 100%, (-) Predictive 100%
Cut-off: 9 mlU/ml
Specimen type: Serum / Plasma or WholeBlood / Serum / Plasma
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
anti-HBs (HBsAb) TEST | CE 1434 | Cassette | S/P | 25 / 50 | dropper |
anti-HBs (HBsAb) TEST | CE 1434 | Cassette | WB/S/P | 25 / 50 | dropper |
Helicobacter Pylori Rapid Tests
Rapid test for the aid of detection to H.Pylori Antigens which may cause some of the gastrointestinal diseases.
Racoo Screening Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Tests:
- Results in 5- 15 minutes
- 99% overall compliance with ELISA
- Sandwich method rapid lateral flow test
- Clean, Ease of use with the sample collection tube with diluent.
Sensitivity: 99.9%, Specificity: 99.9%,
(+) Predictive V: 99.9%, (-) Predictive V: 99.9%, Confidence Interval: 95.0%
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
H.PYLORI Ag TEST | CE | Cassette | Stool | 25 | sample collection tube |
Rapid test for the aid of detection to Antibodies generated against H.Pylori antigens which may cause some of the gastrointestinal diseases.
Racoo Screening Helicobacter Pylori Antibody Tests:
- Results in 5- 15 minutes
- 99% overall compliance with ELISA
- Sandwich method rapid lateral flow test
- Sensitivity: 99.0%, Specificity: 93.4%,
- (+) Predictive V: 96.4%, (-) Predictive V: 98.0%, Confidence Interval: 95.0%
Sensitivity: 99.9%, Specificity: 99.9%,
(+) Predictive V: 99.9%, (-) Predictive V: 99.9%, Confidence Interval: 95.0%
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
H.PYLORI Ag TEST | CE | Cassette | Stool | 25 | sample collection tube |
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
H.PYLORI Ab TEST | CE | Cassette | S/P – WB | 25 | dropper |
STREP A Rapid Test
Rapid test for the detection of Streptococcus Type A bacterium.
Racoo Screening Strep A Tests:
- Fast and easy detection
- Sandwich method lateral flow assay
- Positive and negative controls are included in kit.
- Work station and test tubes are also provided with kit.
Sensitivity: 97.3%, Specificity: 99.0%,
(+) Predictive V: 98.6%, (-) Predictive V: 97.5%, Confidence Interval: 95.0%
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
STREP A TEST | CE | Cassette | Throat Swab | 25 | Swab, Reagents, +/- controls,dropper |
Rotavirus Rapid Test
Qualitative Rotaovirus detection in human feces.
Racoo Screening Strep A Tests:
- Results in 5- 15 minutes
- Fast and accurate results.
- Sandwich method lateral flow rapid test.
- Clean easy and reliable use.
Sensitivity: 99.99%, Specificity: 99.0%,
(+)Predictive V: 99.0%, (-) Predictive V: 99.99%, Confidence Interval: 95.0%
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
ROTAVIRUS TEST | CE | Cassette | Stool | 25 | sample collection tube |
Adenovirus Rapid Test
Qualitative Adenovirus detection in human feces.
Racoo Screening Adenovirus Tests:
- Easy and accurate diagnosis.
- Results in 5- 15 minutes
- Sandwich method lateral flow rapid test
- Easy, Clean and reliable use.
Sensitivity: 99.9%, Specificity: 99.3%,
(+)Predictive V: 99.0%, (-) Predictive V: 99.9%, Confidence Interval: 95.0%
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
ADENOVIRUS TEST | CE | Cassette | Stool | 25 | sample collection tube |
Malaria Rapid Tests
Used for qualitative detection and differentiation of P.f (HRP-II) and P.f., P.v., P.o., P.m. (Pan – malarial aldolase antigens)
Racoo Screening Malaria Tests:
- One step lateral flow rapid test.
- Detects 4 different types of parasites
- At P.f line P. Falciparium is detected and at Pan çizgisinde, P. Malaria, P. Ovale ve P. Vivax are detected.
- P.f. and Pan results are shown in seperate lines.
- 95% Confidence Interval
For Pan Relative Sensitivity >99.9% (158/158) (97.6%~100%)
For P.f Relative Sensitivity > 99.9% (53/53) (93%~100%)
Relative Specificity: 99.1% (324/327) (97.3%~99.8%)
Accuracy : 99.4% (538/538) (98.3%~99.8%)
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
MALARIA TEST | CE | Cassette | WB | 25 | dropper, diluent |
Tuberculosis (TB) Rapid Test
Used for the qualitative detection of TB antibodies generated against Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens
Racoo Screening TB Tests:
- IgA, IgM and IgG are fully detected
- Isotypes of TB is fully detected
Sensitivity: 85%, Specificity: 99%,
(+) Predictive V: 96.1%, (-) Predictive V: 96%
Product | CE Status | Type | Sample Type | Kit Size | Additional Materials |
TUBERCULOSIS (TB) TEST | CE | Cassette | WB/S/P | 25 | drooper, diluent |